Protecting Your Brand During Covid-19
As we are all trying to navigate the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, the recent necessity to conduct business online happened suddenly and left some brands asking themselves if their customers could find them online. Just as brick and mortar stores may have their challenges with foot traffic, online businesses struggle with the same issue of web traffic.
The last couple of months have proven to be a challenge for some companies as they are trying to conduct business online and in doing so, identifying holes in their online presence and brand strategy. For others, the recent shut down of their business during this pandemic has given them time to evaluate their online brand strategy and make necessary changes to ensure their brand is protected for the future. Communication is going to be key in protecting your brand online during PAUSE and ensuring we keep “business as usual.”
How To Protect Your Online Brand:
- Keep your clients and customers updated through regular website updates. It is going to be important to stay up to date with accurate information, including COVID-19 updates, affected hours, updated menu items, order processing and general customer service updates.
- Update search engine and directory listings to ensure accurate business hours and updates are easily found by your customers doing online searches for your brand. Take a free BrawnGuard scan now to see how your business looks online.
- Implement FAQ pages addressing common customer service questions to ensure customers can get information quickly and efficiently about your business.
- Adjust your online and customer service operations to ensure you are effectively covered for the shift in online business. Moving to an online only business model, you will more than likely see an uptick in emails, phone calls and need for virtual tours or shopping experiences. The best way to protect your brand, is to be where your customers need you most.
- Have a plan for engagement with new and current customers. If your company offers a resource center or newsletter use Email Marketing Automation to stay engaged with customers with updates and new offerings.
- Brand consistency is extremely important for protecting your online brand. A customer is more likely to engage with a brand where they recognize the branding message that spanned across multiple platforms. This goes for use of language, profile images, business information and more.
- Engage with your customers on social. By simply responding to customers posts, engagements, and reviews, it shows that your brand is listening to customers and offering support when needed. Most importantly, when responding keep in mind that these responses and how you deal with reviews are being viewed by potential new customers.
Brawn Media wants to assure you that we are here, open, and ready to help you protect your online brand with the above recommendations and more. Contact us today to see how you can get started with your online brand strategy!